Players play, Coaches coach, Referees ref, and Parents cheer!
Recreational Soccer League
Recreational soccer provides a rich and enjoyable environment where children can be introduced to this wonderful sport in a nurturing and supportive way. In recreational soccer, no experience is necessary as children gain skills and learn the fundamentals of soccer in a low pressure, fun environment. The WESCO United Rec season runs from August-October each year in Sebastopol and the surrounding towns.
Select Soccer League
WESCO Select is the competitive travel side of our league. WESCO Select teams compete in the NorCal Premier fall and spring soccer leagues against teams in the North Bay. NorCal Premier provides one of the most comprehensive soccer competitions in the country. Most of our teams also participate in a few regional tournaments throughout the year which may include the state cup tournament. Players that are interested in playing on a select team must attend tryouts during the tryout window in the month of May.
WESCO United has partnered with Sonoma County Regional Parks to redo Field 1 at Ragle Ranch Park! For more information, go to: ** Ragle Field Update **