Youth Monitors

Monitor Directions

The attached information sheet is designed to give you the basics of U8 soccer and also to start you on your way to understanding the Laws of Soccer. Please review this information before Monitoring!

Monitor Schedule

This is a shared google doc for the monitor schedule.  To sign-up for a game, please enter your name and the date you signed up into the doc. Be sure to mark the games you sign up for on your calendar so you do not forget! Within the first 24 hours of games being released, please only sign up for one game. The schedule will be released regularly throughout the season. If you have questions about the schedule you can email

How to get paid

Monitors are paid $15 per game. You will fill out your Monitor card for each game. You should get a signature from coaches before the game starts as you are doing the team check-in.  Those cards must be returned to the secure drop-box located outside the WESCO office (130 S. Main St, Ste 213, Sebastopol).  We will pay monitors once mid-season and once at the end of the season so all cards should be returned to the office by October 31st. We pay based on the cards turned in so if cards don't get to the office, we cannot pay you! Please be sure to completely fill out the Monitor card including the date, time, & location of the game as well as your name. Please write legibly, this is a part of the job!!
